Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Farewell 2012, Welcome 2013!

    As we all say goodbye to 2012, I'd like to take a moment to look back at the year. I know it's no longer New Years, but still feels like it needs to be done.

   The year started rather slow with five months of no painting due to real life and lack of motivation.  But in May everything started to fall into place. Exiled Miniatures became an idea and things started to move. We attend Wargames Con in Austin, Tx in June with the owner of Lazuli Studios. The weekend ended with us taking a Gold in Sci-Fi Single and a Silver in Fantasy Single.

  Unfortunately we missed Games Day because of a scheduling problem but that didn't slow us down!
We've been preparing and  getting ready for the new year in a big way. Our first job when the studio opened was a Deathwing Company. 100 Terminators armed to the teeth. We've been steadily working on this project for long months and are almost to the last batch of Terminators.

And that brought us to the Holidays. We're doing 2013 in a big way. With tons of events and new projects and big monsters.

So the last thing to is a quick break down of 2013!

-Finish the Deathwing project
-Eldar Phantom Titan
-Chaos Warhound Titan
-Reaver Titan
-Reapercon April
-WargamesCon June
-Games Day Memphis July
-Games Day Tokyo September

So Happy New Years everyone. We'll see you soon!

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